(presenter in bold)

  1. D.G. Baird, G. Lambert, K.R. Boyce, P. Wapperom, Long fiber orientation behavior in the startup of shear and non-lubricated squeeze flow, 18th International Congress on Rheology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2020.

  2. D.G. Baird, H. Chen, P. Wapperom, Role of flow type on the evolution of semi-flexible fiber orientation, The Society of Rheology 91st Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA, October 2019.

  3. H. Chen, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Role of flow type on the fiber orientation prediction in injection molding, 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, May 2019.

  4. D.G. Baird, H. Chen, P. Wapperom, Role of flow type on the evaluation of fiber orientation during processing flows, Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, UK, April 2019.

  5. H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Effect of fiber length distribution on long semi-flexible fiber orientation during injection molding, 33th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Cancun, Mexico, December 2017.

  6. G. Lambert, H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, State of the art of rheology of concentrated suspensions, Prepreg Platelet Composite Molding and Performance Workshop, Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, October 2017.

  7. P. Wapperom, G. Lambert, H. Chen, M. Cieslinski, D.G. Baird, Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the evolution of fiber orientation in complex and simple flows, XVIIIth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for non-Newtonian Flows, Vancouver, Canada, June 2017.

  8. H. Chen, G. Lambert, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Progress in simulation of injection molding of long fiber thermoplastic composites: Length and orientation, Keynote Lecture, 17th Annual Polymer Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, May, 2017.

  9. G. Lambert, H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Orientation evolution and stress growth behavior of long-glass-fiber polypropylene suspensions in homogeneous and inhomogeneous flows, 2017 Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, UK, April 2017.

  10. D.G. Baird, H. Chen, G. Lambert, P. Wapperom, Simulation of the role of fiber length on the orientation distribution during injection molding, 16th Annual Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Novi, MI, USA, September 2016.

  11. H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulation of long semi-flexible fiber orientation during injection molding, SPE Antec 2016, Indianapolis, IN, USA, May 2016.

  12. D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Simulation of Semi-Flexible Fiber Orientation and Configuration during Molding Operations, Invited lecture, MESD Plenary Session, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2015.

  13. D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Rheology and Processing of Polypropylene Long Fiber Composites for Automotive Applications , Plenary Lecture, Advances in Polyolefins 2015 (American Chemical Society), Santa Rosa, CA, USA, September 2015.

  14. H. Chen, M.J. Cieslinski, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Long fiber (glass) breakage in capillary (contraction) flow. Part I: Model development and experimental results, SPE Antec, Orlando, FL, USA, March 2015.

  15. G.M. Vélez-García, V. Kunc, P. Wapperom, Tutorial: Fiber orientation and fiber length for fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites, SPE-Antec, Las Vegas, NV, USA, April 2014.

  16. M.J. Cieslinski, H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Influence of fiber flexibility on fiber orientation during processing operations, Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, UK, April 2014.

  17. S.M. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Assessment of the slowdown in fiber orientation evolution in a center-gated disk, 13th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Novi, MI, USA, September 2013.

  18. M.J. Cieslinski, K.J. Meyer, J.T. Hofmann, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulating orientation of long, semi-flexible glass fibers in three-dimensional injection molded thermoplastic composites, 13th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Novi, MI, USA, September 2013.

  19. D.G. Baird, M.J. Cieslinski, K.J. Meyer, J.T. Hofmann, P. Wapperom, The Role Rheology of Flexible Fiber Suspensions in the Simulation of Molding Operations", Plenary Lecture, Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Meeting, Milton Keynes, UK, March 2013.

  20. K.J. Meyer, M.J. Cieslinski, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Role of basic rheology in predicting orientation and configuration of semi-flexible fibers during the injection molding of thermoplastic composites, XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2012.

  21. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Experimental and predicted evolution of short fiber orientation in the entrance, lubrication and advancing front region of a center-gated disk, Polymer Processing Society Americas Conference 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2012.

  22. S.M. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Channel flow simulation with delayed Folgar-Tucker fiber orientation model, SPE Antec, Orlando, FL, USA, April 2012.

  23. K.C. Ortman, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Predicting the orientation of concentrated long glass fiber suspensions in simple shear flow: Application to processing flows, AIChE 2011 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, October 2011.

  24. S.M. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulation of Folgar-Tucker orientation model with a semi-circular advancing front geometry, 12th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Troy, MI, USA, September 2011.

  25. K.J. Meyer, K.C. Ortman, J.T. Hoffmann, P. Wapperom, A.R. Whittington, D.G. Baird, Progress on simulating orientation of long glass fibers in composites molding, 12th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Troy, MI, USA, September 2011.

  26. S.M. Mazahir, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, G.M. Vélez-García, Preliminary results for injection molded short glass fiber thermoplastic composites with a circular front, SPE Antec, Boston, MA, USA, May 2011.

  27. K.C. Ortman, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, and A.J. Giacomin, Preliminary results in rheologically obtaining model parameters for the purpose of predicting the orientation of concentrated long glass fibers in processing flows, SPE Antec, Boston, MA, USA, May 2011.

  28. D.G. Baird, K. Ortman, P. Wapperom, Obtaining parameters in a model for semi-flexible fiber suspensions using a sliding plate rheometer, Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Meeting, Portmeirion, Wales, April 2011.

  29. S. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulation of injection molding of short glass fiber composites using a delayed orientation model, CheGSA Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2011.

  30. K.C. Ortman, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Preliminary efforts in the simulation of molding of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers using transient shear rheology, AIChE 2010 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 2010.

  31. K.C. Ortman, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Transient rheology of long glass fibers in a polymeric matrix, The Society of Rheology 82nd Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 2010.

  32. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, J. Hofmann, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, A. Zink-Sharp, V. Kunc, Improvement in orientation measurement for short and long fiber injection molded composites, 10th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Troy, MI, USA, September 2010.

  33. S.M. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvement in the simulation of injection molded short glass thermoplastic composites, 10th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Troy, MI, USA, September 2010.

  34. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Progress in the simulation of orientation in injection molding of short fiber thermoplastic composites, 26th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Banff, Canada, July 2010.

  35. K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, and J. Giacomin, Preliminary efforts in simulation of molding of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers using transient shear rheology, 26th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Banff, Canada, July 2010.

  36. P. Wapperom, G.M. Vélez-García, K.C. Ortman, S. Mazahir, D.G. Baird, Rheometry and numerical simulation of fiber reinforced polymer melts, XVIth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for non-Newtonian Flows, Northampton, MA, USA, June 2010.

  37. K. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, A.J. Giacomin, Transient rheology of polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers, SPE Antec, Orlando, FL, USA, May 2010.

  38. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvements in the simulation of orientation in injection molding of short fiber thermoplastic composites, Composites Manufacturing 2010, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2010.

  39. K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, and J. Giacomin, Preliminary efforts in the simulation of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers using transient shear rheology, Composites Manufacturing 2010, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2010.

  40. D.G. Baird, K. Ortman, N. Agarwal, P. Wapperom, A.J. Giacomin, and A.W. Mix, Sliding Plate Rheometry: Transient Rheology of a Polymer Melt Containing Long Fibers, Plenary Lecture, Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Annual Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, UK, March 2010.

  41. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvement in simulation of highly concentrated fiber-reinforced composites, AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, November 2009.

  42. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, J. Abiade, Fiber orientation analysis for a short glass fiber reinforced center-gated disk using shadow optical microscopy, AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, November 2009.

  43. K.C. Ortman, G.M. Vélez-García, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Transient rheology of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers, AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, November 2009.

  44. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulation of orientation in injection molding of short fiber thermoplastic composites, Fall Fluid Mechanics Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, November 2009.

  45. G.M. Vélez-García, K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Progress in simulations for short and long glass fiber thermoplastic composites, 9th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Troy, MI, USA, September 2009.

  46. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulations of orientation in injection molding of highly concentrated short glass fiber thermoplastic composites, SPE Antec, Chicago, IL, USA, June 2009.

  47. K.C. Ortman, G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Long glass fiber orientation in thermoplastic composites using a model that accounts for the flexibility of the fibers, SPE Antec, Chicago, IL, USA, June 2009.

  48. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Shear rheology and microstructure of a concentrated short glass fiber-filled polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), AIChE 2008 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2008.

  49. K.C. Ortman, G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Long glass fiber orientation in thermoplastic composites using a model that accounts for the flexibility of fibers, AIChE 2008 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2008.

  50. G.M. Vélez-García, K.C. Ortman, A.P.R. Eberle, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Frontal flow effects in 2D Simulations of orientation in high aspect ratio particles composites made by injetion molding, AIChE 2008 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2008.

  51. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, G.M. Vélez-García, Fiber orientation kinetics of a concentrated short glass fiber suspension in start up of shear flow, Americas Regional Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2008.

  52. G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, K.C. Ortman, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, 2-D Simulations of orientation in highly concentrated short glass fiber thermoplastic composites made by injection molding, Americas Regional Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2008.

  53. K.C. Ortman, G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Long glass fiber orientation in thermoplastic composites using a model that accounts for flexibility of the fibers, Americas Regional Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society Charleston, South Carolina, USA, October 2008.

  54. G. M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, K.C. Ortman, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Simulation of orientation in injection molding of high aspect ratio particle thermoplastic composites, XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, California, August 2008.

  55. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, The dynamic behavior of a concentrated non-Brownian glass fiber suspension in simple shear flow, XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, California, August 2008.

  56. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, The dynamic behavior of a concentrated polymeric suspension containing non-Brownian glass fibers, SPE Antec, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 2008.

  57. G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Simulation of highly concentrated fiber in a polymer melt for a complex flow using Hele-Shaw approximation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2007.

  58. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Experimental determination of the relationship between fiber orientation distribution and stress growth in start-up of flow for non-Newtonian fluids containing short glass fibers, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2007.

  59. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Experimental determination of the relationship between fiber orientation distribution and stress growth in start-up of flow for non-Newtonian fluids containing short glass fibers, The Society of Rheology 79th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2007.

  60. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Rheology and flow simulation of polymer melts containing glass fibers, European Polymer Congress 2007, Portoroz, Slovenia, July 2007.

  61. P. Wapperom, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, A.P.R. Eberle, Numerical simulation of polymer melts containing short and long fibers, XVth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for non-Newtonian Flows, Rhodes, Greece, June 2007.

  62. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Modeling the rheology and orientation distribution of short glass fibers suspended in polymeric fluids: simple shear flow, SPE Antec, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, May 2007.

  63. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Modeling polymer melts containing short and long fibers. Part I: transient rheology, AIChe Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, California, USA, November 2006.

  64. G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Modeling of polymer melts containing short and long glass fiber. Part II: the simulation of injection molded parts, AIChe Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, California, USA, November 2006.

  65. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Modeling polymer melts containing short and long glass fibers. Part I: transient rheology, The Society of Rheology 78th Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine, USA, October 2006.

  66. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Modeling the transient rheology of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long and short glass fibers, SPE Antec, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, May 2006.

  67. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Modeling the transient rheology of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long and short glass fibers, AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinatti, Ohio, November 2005.

  68. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, and P. Wapperom, Transient rheology of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long and short glass fibers, Society of Rheology 77th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2005.

  69. P. Wapperom, M. Renardy, Numerical simulation of the flow around a cylinder, XIVth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 2005.

  70. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Impact of decoupling approximation between tube stretch and orientation in rheometrical and complex flow simulation of entangled linear polymers, XIIIth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2003.

  71. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Predicting the response of entangled linear polymers in transient complex flow using the multi-mode DCR model with chain stretch, The Society of Rheology 74rd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 2002.

  72. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Simulation of transient complex flow of entangled linear polymers using the multi-mode DCR model with chain stretch, 3rd Int. Conf. on the Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Capri, Italy, May 2002.

  73. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Computing viscoelastic flows using integral models derived from kinetic theory of linear and branched polymer melts, INNFM Conference on Process Modelling, Lake Vyrnwy, UK, March 2002.

  74. P. Wapperom, A.N. Beris, Analysis of stability behaviour of viscoelastic fluids in three-dimensional undulating channel geometries, 54th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, California, USA, November 2001.

  75. P. Wapperom, A.N. Beris, M.A. Straka, A new transpose split method for three-dimensional FFTs: Performance on an Origin2000 and Alphaserver cluster, AICHE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA, November 2001.

  76. P. Wapperom, A.N. Beris, Pseudospectral simulation of Newtonian flow in undulating channel geometries, AICHE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA, November 2001.

  77. P. Wapperom, A.N. Beris, Pseudospectral simulation of three-dimensional viscoelastic flow in undulating channel geometries, The Society of Rheology 73rd Annual Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, October 2001.

  78. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Simulation of transient complex flows of entangled linear and branched polymers using differential and integral models derived from reptation theory, XIIth International Workshop on Numerical Methods in Non-Newtonian Flows, Seascape Resort Monterey Bay, California, USA, July 2001.

  79. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Numerical simulation of transient flow of polymer melts with integral models, 2nd International Conference of Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flows, Il Ciocco, Italy, October 2000.

  80. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Numerical simulation of transient flow of polymer melts with integral models, The Society of Rheology 72nd Annual Meeting, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, February 2001.

  81. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Numerical simulation of transient flow of polymer melts with integral models, 20th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2000.

  82. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of transient flow of polymer melts, Fifth National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, May 2000.

  83. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Lagrangian particle methods for computing transient viscoelastic flows, The Society of Rheology: 71st Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, October 1999.

  84. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, and V. Legat, The Backward-tracking Lagrangian Particle Method (BLPM) for computing transient viscoelastic flows, XI International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Viscoelastic Flows, Vaals, The Netherlands, August 1999.

  85. M.F. Webster, P. Wapperom, A study of finite volume methods for viscoelastic flow, Fifth European Rheology Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 1998.

  86. P. Wapperom, M.A. Hulsen, G.D.C. Kuiken, Numerical simulation of a viscoelastic fluid with anisotropic heat conduction, IUTAM symposium on Numerical simulation of non-isothermal flow of viscoelastic liquids, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, November 1993.

  1. P. Wapperom, Mathematical modeling and computational issues of flows of viscoelastic fluids, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Mesa, Arizona, USA, December 2007.

  2. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Simulation of transient complex flow of entangled linear polymers using a multi-mode DCR model with chain stretch, TMR-meeting `Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids', Capri, Italy, May 2002.

  3. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Numerical simulation of integral and differential models for polymer melts, TMR-meeting `Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids', Berlin, Germany, March 2000.

  4. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Current developments in Lagrangian particle methods, TMR-meeting `Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids', Brussels, Belgium, November 1999.

  5. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, A new Lagrangian particle method for viscoelastic flows, TMR-meeting `Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids', Aix-les-Bains, France, May 1999.

  6. P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, The Adaptive Lagrangian Particle Method applied to free surface problems, TMR-meeting `Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids', Llandudno, United Kingdom, November 1998.

  7. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of wire coating, J.M. Burgers Centre Symposium on Rheology, Delft, The Netherlands, January 1997.

  8. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids, J.M. Burgers Centre Symposium on Rheology, Delft, The Netherlands, October 1995.


  1. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Experimental evaluation and simulation of fiber orientation in injection molding of polymers containing short glass fibers, Penn State Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, April 2012.

  2. G.M. Vélez-García, P.Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Experimental evaluation and simulation of fiber orientation in injection molding of polymers containing short glass fibers, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, March 2012.

  3. G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Experimental evaluation and simulation of fiber orientation in injection molding of polymers containing short glass fibers, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts, February 2012.

  4. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, The dynamic behavior of concentrated non-Brownian glass fiber suspensions, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, March 2008.

  5. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, The dynamic behavior of non-Brownian glass fiber suspensions, University of Delaware, Delaware, Jan. 2008.

  6. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Rheology and simulation of flow of concentrated polymeric fiber suspensions, Dept. of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Florida State University, Florida, USA, November 2007.

  7. D.G. Baird, A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, The rheology of polymers containing macro- and nano-sized particles, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, October 2006.

  8. P. Wapperom, Impact of decoupling approximation between tube stretch and orientation in rheometrical and complex flow simulation of entangled linear polymers, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, June 2003.

  9. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of transient complex flow of entangled linear polymers, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 2002.

  10. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of polymeric fluids in complex flow geometries using microscopic and macroscopic models, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, December 2000.

  11. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of polymeric fluids in complex flow geometries using microscopic and macroscopic models, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, December 2000.

  12. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids: the temperature equation, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, United Kingdom, November 1998.

  13. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids: the temperature equation, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, January 1998.

  14. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of high-speed wire coating, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark, September 1996.

  15. P. Wapperom, Numerical simulation of wire coating: nonisothermal effects, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark, August 1996.

  16. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids: the numerical method, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark, June 1996.

  17. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids: the temperature equation, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark, April 1996.

  18. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark, January 1996.

  19. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic fluids, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, May 1995.

  20. P. Wapperom, Nonisothermal flow of viscoelastic materials, Panta Rei seminar at Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, October 1993.


  1. H. Chen, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Length effect on long semi-flexible fiber orientation during injection molding, 16th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition, Novi, MI, USA, September 2016.

  2. M.J. Cieslinski, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improved stress-microstructure measurements of fiber suspensions in simple shear flow, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2015.

  3. S.M. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Prediction of fiber orientation in simple injection molding channel flow with fountain flow effects, Humboldt Kolleg Conference: Collaboration and Networks in the 21st Century, Arlington, Virginia, USA, February 2012.

  4. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Assessment of a model with delayed fiber orientation and inlet conditions through simulation of orientation in an injection molded center-gated disk, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Research Day, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2011.

  5. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Assessment of a model with delayed fiber orientation and inlet conditions through simulation of orientation in an injection molded center-gated disk, SPE Antec, Boston, MA, USA, May 2011.

  6. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvements in the simulation of orientation in injection molding of short fiber thermoplastics composites, CheGSA Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2011.

  7. S. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvement in simulation of injection molded short glass fiber thermoplastic composites, ICTAS Doctoral Scholars Program Spring Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2011. Pdf file

  8. G.M. Vélez-García, N.F. Polys, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, R.D. Kriz, Visualization of fiber orientation in highly-concentrated, glass fiber-reinforced, injection molded thermoplastic composites using Web3D technology, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2010. Pdf file

  9. S. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvement in simulation of injection molded short glass fiber thermoplastic composites, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2010. Pdf file

  10. K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, A.J. Giacomin, Transient shear rheology of long glass fiber filled polypropylene using a sliding plate rheometer, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2010. Pdf file

  11. S. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvement in simulation of injection molded short glass fiber thermoplastic composites, Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science Research Day, Blacksburg, VA, USA, September 2010. Pdf file

  12. G.M. Vélez-García, S.M. Mazahir, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Improvements in the simulation of orientation in injection molding of short fiber thermoplastic composites, CHEGSA Second Annual Research Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2010. Pdf file

  13. S. Mazahir, G.M. Vélez-García, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Experimental orientation in injection molding of short glass fiber thermoplastic composites, CHEGSA Second Annual Research Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2010. Pdf file

  14. K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, A.J. Giacomin, Transient rheology of polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers, CHEGSA Second Annual Research Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, USA, April 2010. Pdf file

  15. K.C. Ortman, N. Agarwal, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, A.J. Giacomin, A.W. Mix, Transient rheology of polypropylene melt reinforced with long glass fibers, The Society of Rheology: 81st Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, October 2009. Pdf file

  16. G.M. Vélez-García, N.F. Polys, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, R.D. Kriz, Visualization of fiber orientation in highly-concentrated, glass fiber-reinforced, injection molded thermoplastic composites using Web3D technology, AIChE 2009 Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, November 2009. Pdf file

  17. G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, 2D simulation and validation for highly-concentrated, glass fiber-reinforced, injection molded thermoplastic composites, First Annual Graduate Research Symposium of Chemical Engineering, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2009. Pdf file

  18. G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, 2D simulation and validation for highly-concentrated, glass fiber-reinforced, injection molded thermoplastic composites, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2009. Pdf file

  19. K. C. Ortman, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Long glass fiber orientation in thermoplastic composites using a model that accounts for the flexibility of the fibers, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2009. Pdf file

  20. G.M. Vélez-García, K.C. Ortman, A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Simulation of injection molding thermoplastic reinforced with high aspect ratio particles, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2007. Pdf file

  21. A.P.R. Eberle, G.M. Vélez-García, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Modeling the rheology and orientation distribution of short glass fibers suspended in polymeric fluids: Simple shear flow, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 2007.

  22. A.P.R. Eberle, D.G. Baird, P. Wapperom, Modeling the transient rheology of a polypropylene melt reinforced with long and short glass fibers using Doi theory for rigid rod molecules, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2006.

  23. G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird Simulation of injection molding thermoplastic reinforced with micro and nano-particles, Fiber Society 2006 Fall Annual Meeting and Technical Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, October 2006. Pdf file

  24. G.M. Vélez-García, A.P.R. Eberle, P. Wapperom, D.G. Baird, Simulation of injection molding thermoplastic reinforced with micro and nano-particles, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute Technical Conference and Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, April 2006. Pdf file