Measure and Integration for Probabilty

This course was created at the initiative of Mike Williams, as Math 5260 (on the quarter system) then as Math/Stat 6105 after conversion to semesters.  The intent was to provide a foundational treatment of measure-theoretic probability for the benefit of doctoral students in Statistics.  The Math. and Stat. departments alternated teaching it, each department teaching it two years in a row.  This continued until 2003, at which point Stat. took over teaching it every year.  It still exists as a Statistics course, but no longer as a Mathematics course.

When the Math. dept. taught it we used the text by P. Billingsly, Probability and Measure.  There is a lot more material in that text than was covered in the course, so I wrote a set of notes containing just the material that we typically covered.  I used those notes 1993 and 1997 when I taught the course.  Those notes are available here for download:

Math 6105 Lecture Notes

There was also an effort to offer a second semester, Math 6000 (Winter quarter) and then Math 6106 (Spring semesters), to explore some further topics in more detail.  I don’t know if this was ever offered prior to 1987 but we did offer it in the Winter quarter of 87/88 and then in the Spring Semesters of 1990 and 1993.  Selected chapters from Billingsley were used the first two times.  The last time we used Wentzell's book,  A Course in the Theory of Stochastic Processes.  The course has since been discontinued.