Math 1524 - Spring Semester, 2019 - Course Policies

Instructor Information:

Student Information:

Course Information:


There are many resources available to you if you are having trouble with the course:

Grading Policies:

Final Course Average
Course Grade
Average ≥ 93%
90% ≤ Average < 93%
87% ≤ Average < 90%
83% ≤ Average < 87%
80% ≤ Average < 83%
77% ≤ Average < 80%
73% ≤ Average < 77%
70% ≤ Average < 73%
67% ≤ Average < 70%
63% ≤ Average < 67%
60% ≤ Average < 63%
Average < 60%

The Final Course Average will come from 4 sources: Graded Quizzes, Labs, Midterm Exams, and the Comprehensive Final Exam. All individual scores on graded work will be converted to percentage scores. Then these percentage scores will be used to calculate your Final Course Average using the following criteria:

Graded Quizzes:

You may take each of the Graded Quizzes one time before the deadline date and time that appear to the right of the quiz link in the Quiz and Test System for that quiz.

Proctored Exams:



Deadlines for Proctored Exams and Graded Quizzes will be strictly enforced. You can find your deadline for graded work by logging into the Quiz and Test System and viewing the "Must Be Started By" date and time that appear to the right of the link for each graded quiz or exam. As implied by the "Must Be Started By" statement, the deadline is the latest day and time that you can begin your graded work. Unless there are documented extenuating circumstances (see *NOTE* below), deadlines for Proctored Exams and Graded Quizzes will not be extended.

*NOTE* For extenuating circumstances, you must contact Schiffert Health Center or Student Advocacy in 109 Eggleston Hall to provide documentation to your college. You are expected to work ahead so that you do not miss a deadline due to a one or two day illness or other unforeseen circumstance that fails to satisfy Schiffert or Student Advocacy requirements for documentation. Failure to meet this expectation is not a valid reason for a deadline extension.




Honor Code:

The Undergraduate Honor Code pledge that each member of the university community agrees to abide by states:

"As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do."

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any assignment is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the assignment for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code.

For additional information about the Honor Code, please visit:

Course Homepage