Matlab for Math 2114H
Practical Issues
Matlab is included in the software pagkage for engineering majors. It is available at the Math Emporium, or can be purchased from software distribution for $40 + tax.
Matlab looks for and saves files in its current working directory.
When you start Matlab the working directory will be set to some
default folder on your computer. (If you enter the command pwd
in the Command Window Matlab will tell you what its current working
directory is.) I recommend that you create a folder to use as
your working directory for all your Matlab work associated with this
course. Once you have created this folder there are several ways
you can make it your current working directory.
- Near the upper right corner of the Matlab window there should be
a small grey button marked "...". If you click that it will
let you navigate to your desired working directory.
- If you are familiar with the Unix/Linux cd command you can use that in the Matlab command window to move to the desired working directory.
- You can create a simple script in
Matlab's default startup working directory to make the change to your
desired working directory. The script should be a text with the
file extension .m and should contain just one line: cd('name of desired directory')
. (Don't leave out the single quotes.) I suggest that you
first navigate to your desired directory by one of two preceeding
methods, then type the pwd command to see exactly how Matlab identifies your directory, and use that for the name of desired directory in your script file. Suppose your name your script file Math2114H.m . Then in the future after starting Matlab you can simply type Math2114H in the command window (without the .m) and Matlab will change the working directory to the one you specified in the script.
For homework problems that ask you to use Matlab you should turn
in a listing of the commands you used to solve the problem. One
way to do this is using the diary command. The command diary on will create a text file named diary
(with no file extension) in your current working directory and will
record in it all the commands you enter as well as their results, and
will continue to do so until you enter diary off.
You can then edit that file with any text editor to remove any mistakes
and add any comments before printing it to turn in. (You can make
it give the diary file a different name, say commands.txt by using diary commands.txt instead of diary on.)
any homework problems involve graphical output, the File Menu of the
graphics window displaying the graphical output will let you save the
graphic in any of several common formats (jpg, eps, ...) which you can
then print or incorporate into another document to turn in. If
your computer is connected to a printer you can simply print the
graphics window directly.
If you need help with the syntax of Matlab's commands, the small
blue question mark in the command window toolbar will open a window in
which you can search for help on a particular command or look up
various help files by topic. This information is also available
from Matlab's website.
We will demonstrate how to
use Matlab for the material of this course as we work through it in
class, chapter by chapter, with diaries of demonstrations posted on
Scholar. You should be able to learn what you need for your
assigned homework by just following the examples of those in-class
demonstrations. Below is a summary
of the Matlab features which are involved, organized according to the
in Leon's book, to help you review or pick up things you might have
Chapter 1: Matrix Entry and Row Operations
Matricies are entered using square
brackets [ ]. You enter the values left to right across a row,
separating the values by either a space or a comma. At the end of
a row enter a semicolon to begin the next row. For instance:
>> A=[1,2,3;4,5,5;7,8,0]
A(i,j) refers to the
i,j entry of the matrix A. You can edit the entries of A individually by
specifying values for A(i,j). For instance to change the 2,3 entry to 6 use
>> A(2,3)=6
There are commands to produce special matricies, such as all zeros, all ones, or identity matricies of various sizes:
>> zeros(2,3) for a 2x3 matrix of all 0s;
>> ones(3,1) for a 3x1 matrix of all 1s;
>> eye(4) for the 4x4 identity matrix.
Suppose we are interested
in Ax=b where b is a single column (nx1). We can form the
augmented matrix for this system by creating a new matrix consisting of
A followed by b.
>> Aug=[A,b]
We could now perform row operations on Aug to solve the linear
system. If we were going to find the inverse of A by row
operations we would want to work with this augmented matrix:
>> [A,eye(3)]
Performing Row Operations
You can refer to and change an entire row or column of a matrix by
using a colon for the index to be "filled out". For instance
>> A(1,:) will give the first row of A.
We can use this to preform elementary row operations. For
>> Aug(2,:)=Aug(2,:)-4*Aug(1,:) subtracts 4 times the first row from the second and
makes the result new second row;
>> Aug(2,:)=Aug(2,:)/Aug(2,2) divides the second row by A(2,2);
>> Aug([1,3],:)=Aug([3,1],:) interchanges the first and third rows.
In this way Matlab can be made to carry out row reduction calculations
step-by-step. Matlab will produce the result of the entire
process for us with the rref command.
>> rref(Aug)
Inverses, transposes, matrix products and powers are all produced by simple commands. Note that the transpose uses an apostrophe, not a superscript T.
>> inv(A), A', A'*A, A^2
Controlling the Output
When results are not integers Matlab carries a full 15 significant
digits of the decimal representation in its calculations, even though
only 4 or 5
are typically dispalyed. For that reason you should not copy and paste values from dispalyed output, because you will be throwing away a lot of accuracy. For instance, the result of t=1/3 displays as 0.3333, but 1-3*0.3333 is not 0, while 1-3*t is 0.
You can change the dispaly format if you like. The command format long will cause the full 15 significant digits of results to be displayed. To change back to the default setting use format short .
>> format long; x=1/3011 produces 3.321155762205248e-04
>> format short; x produces 3.3212e-04
Many textbook homework problems are designed so that fractional results involve relatively small denominators. Matlab has format rational
which will display results using approximate fractional expressions
with denominators of modest size. This can be useful if you want
compare with answers that you obtained by hand or as dispalyed in the
back of the text. For example,
>> format rational; x produces 1/3011
Chapter 2: Determinants
det(A)calculates the determinant of the matrix A.
Chapter 3: Linear Indepdence and Rank
There are several ways to have Matlab check for linear
independence of a set of vectors. Suppose the vectors are the
columns of a matrix A. Linear independence means that Ax=0 has
only the trival solution x=0. So you could see of rref(A)
has a leading 1 in every column. If it does then the vectors are
linearly independent. If there is a column without a leading 1
then the vectors are linearly dependent.
If A is a square matrix then linear independence is equivalent to invertibility of A, so you could check whether det(A) is nonzero. But this only works for square matricies.
Since rank(A) gives the dimension of the column space, if rank(A) = the number of column vectors then the columns are linearly independent. (Since rank(A) is also the dimension of the row space, linear independence of the rows is equivalent to rank(A) = the number of row vectors. That is also equivalent to rref(A) having a leading 1 in every row.)
We sometimes want a description of all
solutions to Ax=0. This is the same as asking for a basis of the
null space, N(A). We know how to work this out by hand from the
reduced row echelon form of A. But we can have Matlab do the work
for us with the command null(A,'r'). That will produce a matrix whose columns are the desired basis vectors. (If you just use null(A) without the 'r' you will still get a basis of N(A) but it will be an orthonormal basis (Chapter 5), not what you would get by hand. So null(A,'r') is preferable for purposes of this chapter.)
Chapter 5: Orthogonality and Least Squares
dot(u,v) produces the inner product of vectors u and v, the same as u'*v. For ||v|| use norm(v).
Solving the normal equations for the least squares solution to Ax=b (Theorem 5.3.2) is easy (proivided A'*A is invertible): inv(A'*A)*A'*b. There is a special command which will produce a least squares solution (the least squares solution if there is only one): A\b. If there is a true soluttion A\b will produce one. (But be careful: unless you already know that a true
solution does exist you won't know whether the result of A\b is a true solution or a least squares approximate solution!)
Plotting Approximating Curves
Some examples and problems in Chapter 5 involve plotting an
approximate function with coefficients obtained using least squares.
Consider the example on page 230. The commands
>> x=[-1,0,2.1,2.3,2.4,5.3,6,6.5,8]';
>> y=[-1.02,-.52,.55,.7,.7,2.13,2.52,2.82,3.54]';
>> c=[ones(9,1),x]\y
will calculate the values of c(1) and c(2). Now we want to plot y=c(1)+c(2)x for -1<x<9. To do this
we need to generate lists of x, y values on the curve and then plot the
list of (x,y) pairs:
>> xp=linspace(-1,9,200);
>> yp=c(1)+c(2)*xp;
>> plot(xp,yp)
That produces the line. To add the data points themselves to the graph:
>> hold on
>> plot(x,y,'.')
The Gram-Schmidt process can be carried out step-by-step with
Matlab. We will demonstrate this in class. As the text explains, the Gram-Schmodt process produces
the QR decomposition of a matrix. The Matlab command qr(A,0)
will do this for us, except that Leon's requirement that the upper trigangulr
matrix R have positive diagonals is not standard, and Matlab doesn't
honor it. The file qrpd.m,
which you can find on our Scholar page, defines a command which will
produce the positive diagoal version of the QR decomposition, in accord
with Leon. You use it this way:
>> [Q,R]=qrpd(A)
For this to work there needs to be a copy of qrpd.m in your current working directory.
Chapter 6: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Finding the characteristic polynomial by working out the determinant by hand can be tedious. Matlab's poly command will do it for us. For instance in Example 4 of page 292:
>> A=[2,-3,1;1,-2,1;1,-3,2]; cpc=poly(A)
produces cpc = [1, -2, 1, 0],
which are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial from
highest to lowest powers. You need to be aware however that for
Matlab and many other texts the
characteristic polynomial is det(t*I-A), not det(A-t*I) as in Leon. The
poly command gives the coefficients of det(t*I-A). So in the example above det(t*I-A) = t3-2t2+t+0. This differs from the characteristic polynomial on page 292 by a minus sign. But the discrepancy won't affect the eigenvalues or eignevectors.
Finding the roots of a polynomial is a difficult task in general.
The characteristic polynomials you will encounter in texbook problems
will usually be ones you can factor by hand. Matlab has a command roots(cpc)which will try to find the roots based on the vector of coefficients (or eig(A)
directly from the matrix), but it I don't recommend these for homework
purposes because with repeated roots it sometimes identifies two
disticnt complex eigenvalues with very small imaginary parts. One
aid to finding the eigenvalues is to simply plot the graph of the
characteristic polynomial to visually locate the (real)
eigenvalues. The command polyval(cpc,x) will evaluate the polynomial with coefficients cpc at the values in the vector x. This can be used to produce a graph of the polynomial. For instance in our example:
>> x=linspace(-1,2,100);
>> y=polyval(cpc,x);
>> plot(x,y)
Looking at the resulting graph you can "see" the eigenvalues near 0 and 1. Once you know an eigenvalue, the null command will find the eigenvector(s). Use the 'r' option to get the same results as you would obtain by hand:
>> null(A-1*eye(3),'r')