Research Interests: My research interest is in the field of applied mathematics,
specifically, systems of delay differential
equations and their application to biology and medicine. I focus on characterization of immune system
onset and reaction against viral diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection,
Hepatitis B and Dengue virus infections, and on understanding the possible homeostatic mechanisms regulating lymphocyte
population sizes and their T cell receptor diversity. The techniques I
use derive from dynamical systems, information and model selection theory as well as
sensitivity, perturbation and numerical analysis.
January 30, 2019: Former Lab member Sam Erwin is giving the Mathbio seminar.
January 25, 2019: Special Issue on "Integrative Computational Systems Biology Approaches in Immunology and Medicine" in commemoration of Alan Perelson's 70th birthday has been published by Frontiers in Microbiology.
November 2018: Graduate student Sarah Kadelka's paper 'Modeling the Bistable Dynamics of the Innate Immune System' has been published in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.
May 21, 2018: Our grant was funded by the NSF Mathbio division.