Professor, Department of
Luther and Alice Hamlett Professor,
College of Science
Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (CMDA) program
Office: 414 Data & Decision Sciences (
VT maps)
Mail: 225 Stanger Street 0123, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Research interests
- Numerical analysis, especially matrix computations
- Dynamics and perturbation theory for non-self-adjoint operators
- Spectral theory for Schrödinger operators
Editorial work
Virginia Tech's Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (CMDA) major
In Spring 2015, Virginia Tech launched this new undergraduate major,
a collaboration between the departments of
Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics.
Faculty have developed ten new courses for the major.
Other departments have designed specialized options for students seeking
to exercise CMDA skills in particular applications (biology; cryptography and cybersecurity; economics; geosciences; physics).
The first class graduated in May 2017.
As of January 2025, CMDA has graduated over 900 alumni (primary and secondary majors); over 600 current Virginia Tech students are presently pursuing the major.
Spring 2025
- Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays, 3-4:15pm, D&DS 414 - or by appointment (email
Slides for lectures and short courses
Stability and Transient Dynamics for Linearized Reduced Order Models
Nonlinear Model Reduction for Control conference, May 2023.
Contour Integral Methods for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: A Systems Theory Perspective
E-NLA Online Seminar Series on Numerical Linear Algebra (updated slides), June 2020.
Convergence Theory for Iterative Eigensolvers
Simons Institute workshop on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, September 2018, UC Berkeley.
Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems: Interpolatory Algorithms and Transient Dyanmics
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, May 2018, Hong Kong Baptist University
Version with pseudospectra movie is available here.
CUR Matrix Factorizations: Algorithms, Analysis, Applications
Pseudospectra and Nonnormal Dynamical Systems (4th Elgersburg School, March 2012)
Artifacts from past classes
Spectra and Pseudospectra
EigTool, Tom Wright's excellent MATLAB code for computing
pseudospectra, can be downloaded via GitHub.
Papers, technical reports, preprints, etc.
- Polynomial Approximation to the Inverse of a Large Matrix
M. Embree, J. A. Henningsen, J. Jackson, and R.B. Morgan
Preprint: arXiv:2502.18317
- Optimal Algorithms for Quantifying Spectral Size with Applications to Quasicrystals
M. Colbrook, M. Embree, and J. Fillman
Preprint: arXiv:2407.20353
- Extending Elman's Bound for GMRES
Preprint: arXiv:2312.15022
- On the balanced trncation error bound and sign parameters from arrowhead realizations
S. Reiter, T. Damm, M. Embree, and S. Gugercin
Adv. Comp. Math. 50 (2024) article 10 (29 pages), open access
- Gap labels for zeros of the partition function of the 1D Ising model via the Schwartzman homomorphism
D. Damanik, M. Embree, and J. Fillman
To appear, Indagationes Mathematicae
Preprint: arxiv:2211.01558
- Analysis of GMRES for low-rank and small-norm perturbations of the identity matrix
A. K. Carr, E. de Sturler, and M. Embree
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM) 22:1 (2022) 6pp.
Preprint: arxiv:2210.12053
- Discontinuities of the integrated density of states for Laplacians associated
with Penrose and Ammann-Beenker tilings
D. Damanik, M. Embree, J. Fillman, and M. Mei
Experimental Mathematics 33 (2024) 588-610.
Preprint: arxiv:2209.01443
- Contour integral methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems: a system theoretic approach
M. Brennan, M. Embree, S. Gugercin
SIAM Review 65 (2023) 439-470.
Preprint: arXiv:2012.14979
- Mathematics of magic angles in a model of twisted bilayer graphene
S. Becker, M. Embree, J. Wittsten, and M. Zworski
Prob. Math. Phys. 3 (2022) 69-103.
Preprint: arXiv:2008.08489
- Spectral characterization of magic angles in twisted bilayer graphene
S. Becker, M. Embree, J. Wittsten, and M. Zworski
Phys. Rev. B. 103 (2021) 164113.
Preprint: arXiv:2010.05279
- Pseudospectra of Loewner matrix pencils
M. Embree, C. Ionita
published version (revised preprint; original version: arXiv:1910.12153)
In Realization and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems: A Festschrift in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Thanos Antoulas
Beattie, Benner, Embree, Lefteriu, Gugercin, eds., Springer, Cham, 2022.
- Polynomial preconditioned Arnoldi with stability control
M. Embree, J. A. Loe, and R. B. Morgan
SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 43 (2021) A1-A25.
Preprint (earlier version): arXiv:1806.08020
Presentation at 2021 SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference: slides
- Unstable modes in projection-based reduced-order models: How many can there be, and what do they tell you?
M. Embree
Systems Control Lett. 124 (2019) 49-59.
Preprint: arXiv:1801.00234
- Spectra of discrete two-dimensional periodic Schrödinger operators with small potentials
M. Embree and J. Fillman
J. Spectral Theory 9 (2019) 1063-1087.
Preprint: arXiv:1701.00863 [math.SP]
- Weighted inner products for GMRES and Arnoldi iterations
M. Embree, R. B. Morgan, and H. V. Nguyen
SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
39 (2017) S610--S632. (Copyright SIAM, 2017)
Preprint: arXiv:1607.00255 [math.NA]
- Pseudospectra of matrix pencils for transient analysis
of differential-algebraic equations
M. Embree and B. Keeler
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
38 (2017) 1028-1054. (Copyright SIAM, 2017)
Preprint: arXiv:1601.00044 [math.NA]
- Fast singular value decay for Lyapunov solutions with nonnormal coefficients
J. Baker, M. Embree, and J. Sabino
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
36 (2015) 656-668. (Copyright SIAM, 2015)
Preprint: arXiv:1410.8741 [math.NA]
- Spectral approximation for quasiperiodic Jacobi operators
C. Puelz, M. Embree, and J. Fillman
Integral Equations Operator Theory 82 (2015) 533-554.
Preprint: arXiv:1408.0370 [math.SP]
- A DEIM induced CUR factorization
D. C. Sorensen and M. Embree
SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
38 (2016) A1454-A1482. (Copyright SIAM, 2016)
Preprint: arXiv:1407.5516 [math.NA]
- Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators arising in the study of quasicrystals
D. Damanik, M. Embree, A. Gorodetski
In Mathematics of Aperiodic Order,
pages 307-370; Kellendonk, Lenz, Savinien, eds., Springer, 2015
Preprint: arXiv:1210.5753 [math-ph]
- The stability of GMRES convergence, with application to approximate deflation preconditioning
J. A. Sifuentes, M. Embree, and R. B. Morgan
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
34 (2013) 1066-1088. (Copyright SIAM, 2013)
- Ritz value localization for non-Hermitian matrices
R. Carden and M. Embree
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
33 (2012) 1320-1338. (Copyright SIAM, 2012)
- Short-term recurrence Krylov subspace methods for nearly Hermitian matrices
M. Embree , J. A. Sifuentes, K. M. Soodhalter, D. B. Szyld, and F. Xue
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
33 (2012) 480-500. (Copyright SIAM, 2012)
- Reconstructing an even damping from a single spectrum
S. J. Cox and M. Embree
Inverse Problems
27 (2011) 035012 (18pp).
- One can hear the composition of a string: experiments with an inverse eigenvalue problem
S. J. Cox, M. Embree, and J. Hokanson
SIAM Review
54 (2012) 157-178. (Copyright SIAM, 2012)
Additional data sets are available at
- Dynamical systems and non-Hermitian iterative eigensolvers
M. Embree and R. B. Lehoucq
SIAM J. Num. Anal.
47 (2009) 1445-1473. (Copyright SIAM, 2009)
- The fractal dimension of the spectrum of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian
D. Damanik, M. Embree, A. Gorodetski, and S. Tcheremchantsev
Commun. Math. Phys. 280 (2008) 499-516.
- The Arnoldi eigenvalue iteration with exact shifts can fail
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
31 (2009) 1-10. (Copyright SIAM, 2009)
- Parallel solution of large-scale free surface viscoelastic flows
via sparse approximate inverse preconditioning
Z. Castillo, X. Xie, D. C. Sorensen, M. Embree, and M. Pasquali
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 157 (2009) 44-54.
- The role of the penalty in the local discontinuous Galerkin method for
Maxwell's eigenvalue problem
T. Warburton and Mark Embree
Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 195 (2006) 3205-3323.
- Convergence of polynomial restart Krylov methods for eigenvalue computation
Christopher A. Beattie, Mark Embree, D. C. Sorensen
SIAM Review
47 (2005) 492-515. (Copyright SIAM, 2005)
- Convergence of restarted Krylov subspaces to invariant subspaces
Christopher Beattie, Mark Embree, John Rossi
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
25 (2004) 1074-1109. (Copyright SIAM, 2004)
- The tortoise and the hare restart GMRES
SIAM Review
45 (2003) 259-266. (Copyright SIAM, 2003)
- The spectra of large Toeplitz band matrices with a randomly perturbed entry
Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, V. I. Sokolov
Math. Comp. 72 (2003), 1329-1348.
- On large Toeplitz band matrices with an uncertain block
Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, V. I. Sokolov
Linear Algebra Appl. 366 (2003), 87-97.
- Spectral approximation of banded Laurent matrices with localized random perturbations
Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, Marko Lindner
Integral Equations Operator Theory 42 (2002), 142-165.
(Copyright Birkhäuser, 2002)
- Piecewise continuous Toeplitz matrices and operators:
slow approach to infinity
Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, Lloyd N. Trefethen
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
24 (2002) 484-489. (Copyright SIAM, 2002)
- Infinite Toeplitz and Laurent matrices with localized impurities
Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, V. I. Sokolov
Linear Algebra Appl. 343-344 (2002), 101-118.
- Generalizing eigenvalue theorems to pseudospectra theorems
Mark Embree and Lloyd N. Trefethen
SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
23 (2001) 583-590. (Copyright SIAM, 2001)
- Spectra, pseudospectra, and localization for random bidiagonal matrices
Lloyd N. Trefethen, Marco Contedini, Mark Embree
Pure Applied Math. 54 (2001) 595-623.
- How descriptive are GMRES convergence bounds?
Oxford University Computing Laboratory Numerical Analysis Report 99/08, June 1999.
Revised, corrected, and extended version (arxiv:2209.01231), September 2022
- Green's functions for multiply connected domains via conformal mapping
Mark Embree and Lloyd N. Trefethen
SIAM Review
41 (1999) 745-761.
- Growth and decay of random Fibonacci sequences
Mark Embree and Lloyd N. Trefethen
Proc. Roy. Soc. London Series A
455 (1999) 2471-2485.